Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I've somehow gotten a cold and I'm sneezing like there's no tomorrow... You know that kind of cold, right? The one were you end up with a red nose and a pile of used paper handkerchiefs...  And, whenever you do something with both hand, in a scone dough or something like it, the nose starts to itch and tears are flowing because of it. No, I didn't sneeze in my scones dough. I actually managed to hold it in for a tiny while.

Since I can't go out like this, I've started to think about a garden journal... A chunky garden journal with all my plans and ideas. I have several gardening books about seeds, sowing, a 'potted garden' and decorate with plants. Since I never use them anymore, I thought I'd take a scalpel to them, use the pages with interesting materials and pictures, and save some for other projects. I'll mix these papers with ordinary pages and bind them together into new signatures. Not sure which book cover I'm using yet, and how wide the new spine will be.
I think I said 'no more journals' a couple of days ago... That didn't last long! :D I also have a book about tea...need I say more? ;)

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