Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Oscar Wilde said "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." This quote demonstrates so beautifully how some people look beyond the everyday reality to find inspiration and meaning.

It's important to look at the earthliness of the gutter too. If hadn't been looking at the gutter I'd have missed this common groundsel, growing next to the River Clyde in Glasgow. If we are always looking at the stars, we might miss what's happening at our feet. We need to be part of the earth if we want to manifest our ideas and inspiration. Grounsel flower essence helps to integrate our inspirational ideas into the physical dimension.

So if you would love to take an art class, write a book, learn to dance, go travelling, start a new business or anything else you feel inspired to do, Groundsel flower essence will help you to transform your inspired idea into reality.

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