Morning (Day 2323)

Another fine sunrise for the morning wander with Sigyn, though she was more interested in crashing around in the undergrowth than looking at the view.
At the bathroom re-fit I spent a while doing a bit more wet walling to cover up some boxing before fitting the shower and the bath taps. I can't really do much more on the bathroom until the missing toilet cistern shows up. With luck it will arrive on Monday.
I cleared all my gear out of the house and trundled off for a bit of lunch.
After lunch I had a blocked toilet to deal with. It was fairly unpleasant, but I had it sorted within half an hour. The cause of the blockage was a rim block cleaning thing which had fallen off the rim of the loo and wedged itself in the waste pipe. If you have a rim block dangling over the edge of your loo, do yourself a favour and throw it in the bin.
Back home I spent an hour or so cleaning up my gear before a much needed shower.
An evening on the couch with my beautiful wife is on the cards.

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