House Beautiful

CAMINO PORTUGUES DAY 11 Ansião to Rabaçal

After yesterday's food finding difficulties, today the food kept finding us! First we stopped for the "menu of the day" at an albergue in Alvorge - olives, bread, soup and a main course with wine and coffee for €7.50. I'm not sure that it's a good idea to drink wine at lunchtime, but the afternoon passed very pleasantly and we even ate some figs and walnuts from the wayside trees.

The 12.18 miles was mostly on dirt tracks, up and down some hilly limestone areas which were very nice to walk through. We reached the town of Rabaçal just after 4pm and phoned Celeste, the owner of our accommodation, who said she was in Porto but would sent her friend Jose to fetch us in his car. We are staying at Chanca, which is up in the hills a few km off the Camino. Jose took us to Celeste's house and said that asvthere was nowhere to eat up here, he would make us some food later on in his guest house next door.

In the photo you can see Jose cooking while Sarah makes friends with his dog, Yellow. Jose cooked a 3 course meal all from local ingredients and when I said I was too full for dessert, he went out and picked some prickly pears :-) He didn't speak English so we all spoke bad French, except for the young Czech couple also eating there, who had to try to make themselves understood in English. The food spoke for itself!

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