Fab Four

This was going to be a selfie but my arms were too short so I asked for some help :-)

Reason Two for coming south this weekend was my college reunion dinner last night. 40 years (plus 2 for Covid) since I arrived here as a shy 19 year old. For the first two years, I had a room in the top floor of South, the building behind us in this photo. It looked out on the beautiful copper beech tree to the right. In my third year, I shared a house on Iffley Road with these three - Charlotte, Melanie and Lorinda. Melanie was one of my bridesmaids and Sarah was one of hers. We don’t see each other much nowadays as we all live in different parts of the UK, so it was lovely to catch up with them and a few others this weekend. After the dinner, we retired to the college bar, and this morning we had breakfast together before listening to the new Principal talk about what has been happening here in the past year.

After my friends left to go their separate ways, I went up to look at my old room , South 66. There was a label on the door saying “Disha, medical student” and although the undergraduates aren’t back at college yet, I could hear music so I knocked and Disha kindly opened the door and let me look inside. The room was smaller than I remembered it, but there was the very same desk from 1980! I felt quite emotional, all the memories came flooding back. Disha told me that she isn’t studying here, but is at medical school in Poland, just visiting for a month’s elective as part of her final year.

I spent a nice afternoon wandering round in the sunshine, visiting old haunts. Dinner at a vegan Indian https://www.delhish.com/ a night at the Easy Hotel in Summertown, and then it’s back to London in the morning.

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