Detroit Bridge…

…times two!!!

It has been a day of double dipping. We swam as usual at the Quays this morning and then went back tonight to take part in the Neon Night Swim. What a great atmosphere. The water was eighteen degrees and looked inky black in the dark, it was perfect. I signed up for the shorter distance as I knew it wouldn’t be easy swimming with a bridge on my head!

Everyone was in a great mood and loads of people commented on my hat and took pics lol. I managed to swim all the way round the course with the hat on. The little swimmers hanging from it even managed to stay on. The dryrobe disco on Victoria’s tow float looked fabulous with the disco lights too. We kept the disco lights on when we went back to the cars and had a car park party….a buffet in a boot, hot drinks in a flask and flashing lights! We know how to party lol.

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