
By kas18


Had such a lovely day today. It started with a swim at 6.30 this morning and my friend joined me too. He always likes to swim with me when he's in my area, which is good for me as sometimes especially on days like today, I need someone to go along with...otherwise I might not be bothered!

Then we had friends over for lunch. We are going to Spain in two weeks time with them, so we just had to make paella. It went down really well along with the sangria we made as well. Our friends are very much younger but we get along so well. We met when we were in Jamaica and have remained good friends since. It's really nice when they come over as we never stop laughing. My boys think they are great and want to come along on our next trip we have together.

A fair bit of washing up to be done then I think I'll have an early night. Up early for my bootcamp....and a great week to look forward to!

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