
By XSworld

Between thunderstorms

Today the weather is very instable with rain, thunderstorm and short spells of sun in between the showers. Armed with raincoat, rainsack for the camera and boots I went off to search for my little friends before they disappear with the coming of autumn. Luckily september is the month of helianthus flowers (I think they are the Jerusalem arthicokes, correct me if I'm wrong), which appear spontaneously in big quantities by my usual path close to the river (extra) and therefore offer good opportunity even on a rainy day, to find some insects. This bush cricket/katydid was nibbling on one of the flowers. It was fascinating to watch as it used the maxillae to bring the food to the mouth (difficult to capture in a photo) so there was a lot of movement going on -almost as if a hyperactive spider was trapped on its mouth! The poor thing must have been hungry after the rain for it didn't mind at all that I approached it with my lens.

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