Making a Song and Dance of it

Well. The end of a busy day and a busy week sees me off to Newcastle for a stag weekend in a few minutes, so I'd better keep this brief.

I've recently acquired the dubious extra responsibility at work of helping to put together some of our regular 'podcasts' that we do to keep our clients up to date. Just to be clear, whilst I have a good general knowledge of sound and lighting equipment, I am no pro. I also haven't done anything like this for years.

So, imagine what a pleasant surprise it was to be given a bunch of equipment, including a digital 8 track recording desk, a couple of good mics and a battered looking software box and be asked to help produce the next one. For next week.

Its quite fun, but I don't think people realise quite how long it takes to put these things together ... I'm not going to be encouraging additional podcasts!

Have a good weekend blippers. I'll backblip when I get back!

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LOTD: Marten Veldthuis's Hoornsemeer blip - great light and a classic composition.

Oh and this from Brown Bear is wonderful if you haven't seen it.

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