Maryland has a cliff!

Yesterday a large number of press came to Washington DC to cover a small number of seditionists. Police outnumbered protestors and we got through the day with little incident.

The Taliban are assaulting people who play music and using the internet to find gay people. They are pretending to be gay activists. 

My friend in NC has a new job AND will be back in DC. 

There is a volcano in Iceland that has been erupting for six months. The longest ever eruption was four years long and 50 years ago. 300,000 tourists have gone to see it. Here is the key thing, you have to know how fast the lava is moving and how fast you can run. 

Maryland has cliffs? 
Calvert Cliffs State Park has cliffs (cliff?) and a beach. 
I attempted to go early in the pandemic, before we knew that it was pretty safe outdoors. Capacity was cut in half for safety. I drove 1.5 hours to get there but couldn't get in. Every other park in the county was closed to non-residents. Then I forgot it existed.

Today I went to see it. There was a landslide in February 2020 (no one was hurt) so you can't go up to the cliff anymore. 

People filter seawater to find fossils. 

Yesterday the temperature was great and the humidity was 92%. Today both were perfect. 

My murder has four crows. Usually a maximum of three come to my deck, presumably so one can survive and tell the story if the hospitality is all a trick. Today all four came, albeit briefly. One even came to the deck while I was on the other side. We'll see how badly the retaining wall replacement concerns them. 

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