
By BGCoffee


Left the Peak District after another leisurely morning and a few stops on the way for shopping and a special nostalgia stop for me and an introduction for Leyna to an old Sunday afternoon haunt of my family when I was young - the Edge at Alderley Edge. See Extra. This magnificent vista allows a view right across the Cheshire plains and a clear sight of the whole of Manchester - see other extra. Once we had settled in at our upmarket caravan park near Knutsford we had a tasty tea of baguettes, beef and various pickles including an old family favorite - pickled walnuts. We were told that there was a nice walk of about 30 mins through the fields to the nearby pub - The Bells of Poever so as it began to get dark we set out on the path over stiles and through a field full of cow pats, one of which I stepped in in the dark but it was an adventure walking with our lantern by the Eye of Poever - the little river that ran alongside. Once we neared the village we came across a graveyard which was the last part of the public footpath and I took this photo. I have a better clearer one but after I took this and looked at it we decided it’s ghostly wisps we’re too good not to publish - we still don’t know exactly what was going on here as they were not in the viewfinder when I took the photo. Anyway - it’s weird and it’s today’s blip

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