Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Autumn fruits

The apples are doing well this year. No idea what variety they are, the tree was quite elderly when we moved in 27 years ago, although we have improved its cropping since then. The apples are both eaters and cookers and have a lovely flavour. If you look carefully you'll also see the rose I didn't manage to include in yesterday's collage as it is rather out of reach. Thank you all, btw, for all the stars and kind comments about my roses, much appreciated. I counted the buds on my new Boscobel today, 25 if they all survive.
Up fairly early this morning. Ali and Stuart are having the front of their house painted. It's looking good.
I had a quiet day today, it's Isobel's 5th birthday on Wednesday so the presents are organised, i just have to wrap them now.
I made a big pot of beef stew today, some to freeze and some to enjoy fresh. It smells wonderful while it's cooking. For dinner though we enjoyed half of the chicken pie I bought yesterday from Craigies. We're enjoying having our garden potatoes and runner beans with our meals, so tasty. .
Monday today so we watched our quizzes this evening. I did much better on Only Connect (i did like V C's hair) rather than UC tonight although I did get a few. The team from St Catharine's looked incredibly young. They were all undergraduates, but their captain looked about 17. You could see where their lack of knowledge was down to shorter life experience rather than learning, which was interesting
Keep safe everyone, it's really good to see the numbers going down again, but so many people we know seem to be catching it. Hard to know quite how.

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