Two surprises.

Surprise #1. 
Yonks ago I was bemoaning the lack of an alarm which I couldn't sleep through.  Clicky had a spare shec was prepared to part with/donate to a "worthy"cause - SORTED!
I had failed to notice it did not bear the ubiquitous "MADE IN CHINA", it did however say "Made in Germany".
Surprise #2
What surprised me more was the back declaring W-GERMANY.
"Hecky THUMP! Is it that old?"
NO; on "research" I find there's quite a time lapse twixt "The fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989" and the "Reunification"

"West Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany  retrospectively designated as the Bonn Republic, is the common English name for the Federal Republic of Germany between its formation on 23 May 1949 and the German reunification through the accession of  East Germany on 3 October 1990."
SO! It doesn't, as I naively thought, predate the fall of The Wall.  It's still a ripe old age though, as I've no idea when we bought it in as stock - but do know we've been retired since 2008 and it would be a while before that we stopped buying goods in, in order to reduce stock levels pending closure.
Afterthought. With a name like KUNDO, it sounds more Japanese/Oriental than German?

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