Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Birthday girl

Here she is, definitely 100% excited today. Its lovely to see her so happy, she's having a party on Saturday so today was just us. Her clever Dad made her cake. How the time has flown.
Today I had to take something back to John Lewis so braved the city centre. We managed to park by Broughton Street and thought we'd pay a quick visit to the new St James Quarter which neither of us had been to. I'm not really a shopping mall person but was surprised by how airy it felt. There are several seating areas including the one in my extra looking out at the top of Leith Street. I liked the way the area in front of the glass panel was open (below our level) so fresh air was able to get in and circulate rather than relying on A/C. That seems to be one of the best ways to keep the virus at bay, so a good feature.
The shops didn't really appeal but we walked around and shared a lunch time pizza, which was very tasty.
This afternoon we visited the birthday girl then came home for an early tea. I could do with finding some energy if anybody sees any lying around!
Keep safe, our numbers are definitely dropping again even if still high. For the first time in the course of the Pandemic I'm aware of people I know contracting the virus.

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