Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


School run first thing then mad dash (drive) into work (office) ready to start at 9am. A little bit of a tight schedule, but just about managed. :)

Steady day, managed to pop out to collect my sisters repeat prescription tablets :)

AJ called this afternoon, she was complaining of shortness of breath again. Whilst talking to her she started to relax and said she was feeling better. I think being in isolation has compounded her loneliness and this is impacting on her health. The sooner Wednesday comes the better (when the isolation ends). Called her later in the day and she was ok :)

Finished work and went to my sisters house to collect some items, then on to pick up hubby and then on to the hospital. Visiting finishes at 7pm, but there is no way that I would have made it in time. Fortunately the ward are relaxed about visitors, especially as my sister is in a room on her own. Stayed for quarter of an hour before returning home - filled up with petrol (think people are panic buying) and then on to collect a take-away. :)

Feet up, put the online shopping order in for tomorrow’s delivery :)

Early to bed, still tired after my jabs (and a busy day) :)


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