Time for Waiting

There are times when you don't want to wait and, occasionally, other times when it's no bad thing. I sometimes feel that we need more waiting time, time to find peace with our thoughts and nothing else. Waiting to catch the bus home after attending a funeral, it was if it had been decided I needed some such time for myself. These three, waiting for a bus in the opposite direction, didn't have to wait long. My service should have come through every fifteen minutes. I had to wait a whole hour. I guess there's a shortage of bus drivers. On any other day, it might have been frustrating. The timing was such that I took it as an opportunity. 

Not having been out for a while, and my memory being what it is, I forgot to take a mask with me. I felt very self-conscious at first but the feeling eased off after a while. I suppose that's a sign of normality returning.

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