A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

The morning after!

We went to sit outside in the sun this morning to open Eda’s presents from yesterday’s party. She felt the need to wear her sunglasses, a bit fragile like the rest of us!

She got some lovely things to hang in her ‘magic’ tree and to put around the garden plus lots of great ‘things to do’ sets which of course she wanted to do straight away! Jude was there to lend a hand!

Later John’s mum, brother and family came over for lunch and to give both Eda and Jude birthday presents. Eda had collected conkers on her way home from pre school on Friday so some of them were out to good use by Boppa and cousin Callum. Again we ate outside, I’m sure we must be coming to the end of this lovely weather.

We left after the tea and cake (daddy made cup cakes this time) to make our way home. Our usual stop for fuel didn’t have a queue but neither did it have any diesel. We were ok so continued. There were queues on the service stations and Chris refused to pay the high price. Back in the local area all the Fuel stations we passed were closed, crazy!

We’ve had a fabulous week despite my strange stomach. Such a special time and I shall FaceTime with Eda on Tuesday when she is actually 4!
Looking forward to next time already.

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