
By gillianandrew


As much as people who know me will constantly hear me say "I can't wait to get out of here and go to London or New York sick of the place!" I will always have my days where I just simply love where I live. I really don't know why I want to leave really! This is my home, all my family and friends are here! Everything I have ever learned in life I have learned here!!

I mean this city in which I live is so beautiful so many lovely buildings and beautiful scenery I really feel like I just ignore it simply because I live here! Need to wake up and smell the irn bru and care more for my city!

I have such a proud past from living here and I'm sure I have a dynamic future where ever I fly away to, but this is always home, and days like this, when Glasgow is just so truly beautiful, I will miss it so much when I leave.

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