A different angle

Although Autumn is approaching, the bees are still very busy working the flowers, hardy geraniums and Japanese anemones and sedum spectabile being the favourites.  We have three colours of the anemones and this year the darker pink have really taken off, trebling at least the number of flowers.  They do grow at rather odd angles though but this bee, with laden pollen baskets, was not deterred by having to approach upside down.
This evening we had a family dinner, which was cooked by daughter #2 and was delicious.  It was also lovely to see both flower fairies as well, although I took no pics of them.
In other news: two items of interest are ongoing.  There has been  panic buying of fuel here in the UK despite the fact that the government has reassured us that there is no shortage.  Technically this is true and the problem seems to be with a shortage of HGV drivers to deliver not just fuel, but other items as well, to their destinations, but the effect is the same.  Fortunately we do not run our cars down to empty, so with care we'll be fine for a while.
A volcanic eruption on La Palma continues to cause destruction and mayhem to this tiny island.  We have never visited this particular island but it is very much loved as a holiday location by my friend H and her husband.  Follow my link if you wish to learn more.

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