Taking the kids for a paddle

Just the seagulls, that is.
Some families have started their Easter holidays, but you wouldn't know it. No sign of tourists on the beach.
Too cold
too dark
too windy

The words don't do the horribleness enough justice. Rotten, stinking, hurting weather.
Miserable, ongoing gloomy grey.

We're watching a programme about Boris Johnson. <- There's a perfect example of how boarding schools don't work and create monsters with convincing phony personas. Competitive, lying, spoilt, out-of-touch, with a lack of humanity, unrealistic sense of supremacy, horrible, horrid, wrong, arrogant, and well-trained to pretend to have feelings and passions where others actually quietly possess them for real.
He's a buffoon and a traitor of mankind, and I'm heartbroken that anyone thinks that his type of upbringing is any way to raise a decent man. It achieves exactly the opposite. Unapologetic, grown-up brat.

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