Lazy bird, Ladybird

Me. I'm the lazy bird.
The long-tailed tits (AKA badger tits) visited again today - and they were anything but lazy. All the birds have been really busy on the feeders - trying to make up for the cold weather and the affect it's having on their food supplies, I guess.

I - and the other hand - went upstairs, and took this shot through the bedroom window and then went and had a cup of tea.

I noticed on yesterday's blip that this time last year we were seeing ladybirds, and then today a ladybird kit I'd ordered arrived. We're going to grow our own!

I managed to do 20 minutes of yoga stretches today. Cripes, things have seized up! I played the flute for about half an hour too. I made myself a to-do list which included doing those things and it meant that I did them. Daft, huh? I also added "prat around" and "lose and hour" to the list because I knew I'd do that anyway and I could still tick them off. I am such a winner today!

I've spent this evening on the phone to Mum, and planning meals for the next week, and doing an online grocery shop. I want to make sure we've got Easter covered

Easter's usually busy here, and I often complain about it - especially the not seeing much of Richard when it's school holidays part of it, but this year I really hope it is busy. We need it to be busy.

Only, I think everyone's leaving the country because of the awful weather.


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