A chink in the armour

I think this is a type of leaf beetle called the bloody-nosed beetle.
It's good to see them plodding along in the sunshine again. It means winter is over.

This one's already had a fight by the looks of it. Apparently when they're in danger they spew out a ball of red fluid from their face. I'm not going to make a beetle upset though, just so I can find out for myself.

It's not often I feel like I've achieved a lot in a day (according to my own standards), but I think I have today. I did some yoga, had a shower, had breakfast and did some organising and planning about things needing doing. I played my flute then got ready to go into town. It's supposed to be Richard's day off but yet again he was working. I managed to get him to come home and take me shopping though. I bought some curtains for Gemma's room, some food shopping and a couple of cheap plants for the garden. Back home I made lunch for me and Rich and did some washing and then we took the dog for a walk over the dunes (where we saw the beetle) and across the beach.
After that I hung out the washing, hung up Gemma's new curtains, potted up my new plants and then sowed some sweetcorn seeds in pots in the greenhouse.
Next I spent quite a while untangling the net of one of my pea and bean supports and set that up in one of my veg beds. I - perhaps unwisely - decided today would be a good day to plant out some of my pea and broad bean seedlings. Unwisely because an hour later the weather flipped and it hailed like fuck.

Richard very sensibly realised I was on one of my missions and got on with preparing the evening's food. When I'm doing a doing thing I don't want to be thinking about food.
Just before the weather went potty, I dragged in the washing, planted my peas and broad beans, tidied up and went inside to carry on with a job I started yesterday of cleaning and tidying the conservatory (AKA Stupid Non-Room). And that's when the hail hit. Big and hard.
I think I let myself stop at about 7pm, and my lovely hubby had made me a caesar salad for tea and tidied the kitchen.

I have these 12-hour things sometimes. I've no idea why

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