
After chores, I legged it down Leith Walk to hand in the eagerly awaited handbook to the printers. I think I've done an OK job - and in fact managed to sell a bit more advertising space, so that it should cover the costs of production and leave a surplus of 70 squids. I'm tempted to trouser it for the time I've spent doing the bladdy thing.
Anyway, that left me free for a daunder. A saunter. A perambulation up and o'er Calton Hill, from whence the city was laid out at my feet. Fitting. So here's the usual Princes St shot which I don't think I've taken before. I was going to climb up Nelson's monument for an even more lofty vantage but it was closing in 5 mins.
Home to fiddle away happily before bolting my lentil soup, grabbing two bottles of beer and heading to meet the boaty boys. There is a great debate going on about lift-in. There are plans to put poor ID's boat, which won't be ready, on a cradle on the bomb trolley and launch it off the slip at a later date. He looked long-faced at the prospect, but was temporarily cheered by finding that his boat has finally made the Handbook cover.

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