
By Grammy

Big Helper Blanche

Sunny and mild all day. Slept good last night so we were up and ready to get busy before 8:00 am. Hubby went to my mother’s to pick up the camper after getting her a few groceries. He brought home yummy crab salad and homemade cookies. He spent the day moving stuff to the camper. I changed the linens, did two loads of laundry, finished my ironing and we had the crab for lunch. Afterwards, I went shopping to get a few more items for the raffle and went to four stores looking for wreath materials for Kristen’s family’s Christmas gift that my sister, BIL and I are making. Four hours later…. More on that after we get it all assembled. Our kitties have to “help” with all our chores. They get on the bed when we try to make it. Blanche especially enjoys helping us fold laundry. Sure wish they weren’t getting so old because they are such an important part of our life. It’s 9:30 pm and I just sat down; got many steps today and my legs/feet/knees are revolting. Tomorrow is my camping food prep day. Kim has decreed I cannot shop on Saturdays because it is not safe. Our COVID numbers are still crazy. There are two cases in Brooklyn’s class and six students in another class at Kim’s school. I was super careful today, kept my distance, wore my mask and used tons of sanitizer. Thanks for stopping by. Be safe folks. “Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause the most inconvenience.” - Pam Brown

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