
By XSworld

Playing with a grasshopper

I went to the area where I can find the acrida grasshopper with the intent to photograph it in flight -to document how fairylike they are in air. I'm glad that people that were passing by with their dog or jogging, minded their own business as I was conscious of how odd looking I was, running around with the camera glued to my face shooting photos of the meadow as if my camera was a machine gun and the meadow was a..well, I can't think of any good reason to use a machine gun! Unfortunately all I got out of it was several gigabytes of blurred grass-photos, not a even a single blurred flying grasshopper! I guess I have to adjust the technique. However, one of the grasshoppers that I chased criss cross over the field, finally jumped up on a pretty trea-trunk and played peakaboo with me and my camera for a while. Another one that I chased figured out that if you can't beat them, join them.. and jumped on my camera and later climbed on to my hand to have a chat (extra). The overall lesson was that even when things don't go as planned, they can be fun!

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