Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Art Class

with 3 little people (2 of whom are still in nappies) is an interesting exercise.

If my house was untidy to start with, well you should see it now.

I told them we were going to recreate John Singer Sargent’s Pomegrantes but they didn’t seem too enthusiastic about old man SS.

I had bought pomegrantes (on special offer) in Lidl and we set about pulling leaves off various shrubs in the garden.

We laid them out on the grass and after I cut the pomegrantes, told them to spread them out on the foliage.

Well there was a bit of argy-bargy about where they should be placed, could they eat the pomegrantes, why are there so many pips in them, they taste awful and anyway art is a bit boring.

Well things livened up a bit when I suggested a competition to see who could spit a pip the furthest. We spent a half hour spitting pips (I won) and they all decided that art is not so bad after all. And people talk about the Renaissance, Impressionism, Cubism, even the pre-Raphaelites…. well the tinys think that SpitArt is the real deal.


Note to self: never wear a beige skirt when working with kids or pomegrantes

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