
I dreamt that I was on a road trip after being picked up by my old friend Chris. Some random older blokes joined us and I ended up in a roadside café waiting until the end of time to order portions of fish goujons and fries. When I finally got to the front of the queue, the server regretfully said goujons weren’t available because her mother in the kitchen (family business) had dropped some ingredients on the floor. It’s been a long while since I contemplated fish goujons, so I’m not sure why they came at me so prominently in my sleep.

There is nothing inherently just and fair about the norms we have inherited over time. They are based on intersecting levels of oppression and deeply held prejudices. What society takes to be ‘right’ and in keeping with the status quo often needs some quite drastic dismantling.

It’s therefore important for to suspend judgement and welcome new norms. I’m ecstatic that in the new UK series of Strictly Come Dancing there is a male-male couple. Representation is critical. If one’s automatic response to this is that it wasn’t needed, isn’t normal, or is in some other way distasteful, I’d refer you to the line above on deeply held prejudices.

To celebrate I am posting this picture of a colourful mural in Maputo.

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