
After a morning of bits and pieces which included watching yesterday's San Diego final between Ruud and Norrie, Ruud won in two sets, we went out this afternoon to restart our village visiting, starting with Snitterfield as it is placed conveniently close to The Farm where we went for coffee afterwards.

The theme for today's Mono Monday hosted by Laurie54 is inventions of the 18th century.   For my submission I chose the lightning conductor (or lightning rod).  There seems to be a little uncertainty on who came up with the idea first, but all the relevant dates are in the 18th century and the most popular idea is that it was Benjamin Franklin who invented the Lightning Attractor or Franklin Rod in 1752.  The Leaning Tower of Nevyansk in Russia built between 1721 to 1745 on the orders of industrialist Akinfiy Demidov, incorporated a spire which had a lightning conductor.

Churches in England were often given lightning rods as they were the tallest building around.  The Snitterfield church, St. James, is adorned with a lightning conductor, last checked in October 2020 apparently, I found part of the grounding by the corner of the church, it also had a lightning symbol.

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