A Very Rainy Day

I was signed up to play golf this morning, but ugh, what a day! As it turns out the appliance repair guy came with the correct part this morning and FIXED the oven! 

A quiet afternoon - it rained until about 4:00 at which point I went out to the very wet garden to shoot a blip. As gorgeous as the dahlias (still) are, I'll spare you today and show you Abutilons instead. The main blip is Abutilon 'Smoked Salmon' and the extra is cutting that a friend gave me several years ago - an unknown cultivar. Interestingly, this was the subject of my very first blip just over two years ago. Also interesting is that it's slightly redder now...I wonder if it's actually changing color with the fall. They're both still slightly out of focus though...that has not changed ;-)  I see that I'm still blip mates with most of the people who welcomed me to blip on that very fateful day!

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