BCAM2021 - Day 5

First day of the week after a long weekend.

New friend Sam and I have been asked if we would sing/play for worship at the Bible study group that we attend. So today we met to practice.

Loved playing my guitar after ages, it all felt so natural. Didn’t even need my music. And our voices blended really well too. Really enjoyed this opportunity to lead worship again with Sam.

Later in the day, we delivered the last of the packing boxes to someone who will be moving soon and said they could use them. And then a trip to the dump to get rid of all the packing material from the previous days.

Tomorrow our bigger fridge arrives so just a little adjusting to make room to move the existing one to the garage.

These flowers came away with me from the shop the other day, more native flowers and so lovely.

May I ask you to kindly click on this link that provides free mammograms to those who need it.

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