Show & Tell…

Not many at Pilates this morning, which meant we all got more attention!

I led a Show & Tell afternoon at Women’s Fellowship, sharing how we’d used our days during the pandemic, and there was lots of participation and appreciation. Examples of knitting tiny hats for premature babies, blankets using only one crochet stitch muchly repeated, patchwork and water colour painting. One lady had spent hours gathering all the cards and letters her late husband had given her over the years of their marriage and put them all together in a folder. Wonderful keepsakes. He developed dementia at only 48 and life wasn’t easy but he always wrote the most beautiful words of thanks to her on birthdays and anniversaries.

Gardens and reading featured highly for others as ways to fill Lockdown days. All had many gratefuls.

Please may I ask you to open this link to the breast cancer site and click to donate a mammogram to someone who will benefit from one. Thank you.[

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