New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Spare Room

Not the most exiciting blip ever, but this evening we finally got the second bedroom sorted out and the last moving box put away so this is a picture of the room ready for its guests on Friday night.  It's also significant due to to the faff of getting the furniture needed to put it together; around two weeks ago I had a huge strop as I'd kept the weekend free to take delivery of a spare bed, mattress, desk and storage from Ikea, only to be told the day before it was due that it wouldn't arrive for another month.  In a pique I cancelled the order, got a next day Amazon special desk and then waited a couple of weeks for a new bed delivery.  TLDR: It's nice to finally have the furniture.

It's been a busy week at work and I didn't out get in time to enjoy the daylight with the camera, so we did a walk in the dark in the park. Turned out to be well worth it as we got circled by bats under the trees.  Me and P spent a good long while standing there with phone-torches watching the bats fly round.  Might be time to check out how much those bat radios cost again...

Today's Soundtrack: Home Again by Steely Dan

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