Magnificent Cow

It's been a bit of a busy work so in my first week being back on blip, I had one day which was so long I just didn't really get any photo opportunities, and to be fair, I also didn't want to turn the computer on after a long day of being stuck on it.

But the end of the week brought about a short day due to a staff conference and mum and dad came to stay to break their journey on the way home from holiday.  Me, mum and P took a stroll around the park and the Cadzow cattle were hanging out near the fence so we went to say hello.  This chap had already grazed the easily-reachable branches of the nearby oaks and was trying to pull down the higher branches.  I spent quite a bit of time feeding him fallen oak branches and telling him how magnificent he was.

The Cadzow cattle are a small herd of Bullocks thought to be related to the old Aurochs.  They look kind of like the cows you read about in Greek Myths (I'm watching you, Zeus), they are huge with horns to match and all white except for black noses, ears and hooves.  They really are magnificent. 

Had a lovely evening hanging out with mum and dad going over old memories.

Today's soundtrack: Deacon Blues by Steely Dan

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