
At last! I had the best nights sleep for a week. According to my fitbit, I had 7hrs6mins and a score of 90 Excellent. :-)

Blip for today are pot saucers of the flower seeds I have collected from the wild flowers from the Beebombs, plus some Cosmos and what I call the blowsy poppies. The bed the flowers were in is at the stage of needing clearing. But I'm reluctant as the bees and other insects are still harvesting. 

Sue dropped in this afternoon for a cuppa before she heads off to Spain tomorrow, another visitor was a hen pheasant, who when realising it had been spotted took off, so no time for a pic. Have sussed out what I need replacing for efficient running of my heating/hot water is a new Controller. So I shall be on the phone, or on line to British Gas to get that job done, hopefully.

 I think I have caught up with you all so far today. Camera Club tonight, we have Ken Scott giving a presentation  "Touching the Light". And the new laptop battery arrived lunchtime, so that has been fitted fully charged . Thank you for dropping by, take care, and stay safe :-)

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