Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Bricks 'n' (No) Mortar

A tough one today.
We have booked a brickie to build a "new" wall for us with reclaimed bricks.
Snag: the mortar needs chippin' away. The temperature this morning "felt like" -12degC & it didn't exactly "feel" any warmer later either. So out came the old carpet*, cold chisel hammer, wheel barrow & plenty of layers. Mustv'e been chippin' for a "solid" 5 hours today (it "felt like" 12 hours).
*the old carpet kept my knees 'n' feet warm(er).
Ps: the snow is still there! (see yesterday's blip)

Once done, I "felt" old, cold 'n' achy.
However the other half put on a super roast dinner for us all.
I now "feel" old, warm(er), less achy & rather full"

Goodnight zzz zzz zzz

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