By lizzie_birkett

Frank is a Happy Chappy!

He’s been wanting a keyboard on the boat since he started learning piano. I wasn’t sure how one would fit in and still leave room for getting past. 
However, he was determined and found a small one on line - obviously not as good as the full size one at home but good enough to practice on.
He spent all morning trying to fix it to the wall on brackets - the idea being that it would fold down when not in use. That wouldn’t work though as if he attached the brackets high enough to be able to fold down flat there wasn’t enough room to attach the music stand on top. It’s fine just staying up and I will make a dust cover for it.

We came down to the boat mainly because we are going to Skipton Little Theatre tonight. 

we stopped off at the Garden Centre to get some compost and I also bought some lovely Violas and some Cyclamen. I don’t know whether to plant them here or at the house. The weather is a bit dull today and also cold so I haven’t done much outside. 
I’ve been drawing mostly today and reading the paper.

When I read in the news about places in the world where women have no rights at all it makes me so grateful that I live in a country where we have access to education - no matter what age or gender we are, that we can dress how we like, work if we want or need to, take part in creativity and most of all that we have freedom of speech. 
On Blipfoto I can share not only my photos but also my views and innermost thoughts, share my happiness, my sadness, my hopes and my dreams and there is always someone to laugh with me, empathise, give advice or just put things in perspective. On the other hand I love reading your Blips and sharing in your lives too, the ups and downs the laughter and the tears. What a great community Blipfoto is. I wish that everyone had the same opportunities to share in this way.

Hope you are having a good weekend ;-)X

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