
By Jamjar

Weird photo I know, but it's all I've got today... which was a day of:-

Reproofing my waterproofs
Walking to collect my prescription 
Mowing both lawns... for the last time?
Taking the runner beans down 
Propping the verbena up
Creating support for the summer jasmine

I've planted both summer and winter flowering jasmine against the garage and had a bit of a job threading wire through holes in the concrete sectional walls. It's not perfect, but it's strong and will work. I hope. 

I'm appalled by the new BT app that is supposed to help keep lone women safe. How will that work when you're unlikely to have the time if you're being attacked... and won't your attacker just grab your phone and chuck it away? Men's attitudes have to be changed somehow, this "dial 888" idea is not going to help, it puts the onus on women yet again.

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