
By Ingleman

Meet Kitty

It's a girl!!
Her name is Kitty.
She was born in March 2001, she is 15 feet long and 6 feet wide.
And for a baby she is a weighty 333 stone or 2100kg. I gather she has a massive appetite!! 
I will update more when it's all completed but the seller has very kindly offered to keep her in dry storage while my drive and garden are a construction site. What a nice man, very understanding and cooperative. Known by my family members he is completely trust worthy so I feel very lucky.
The history and provenance are as good as it is possible to get, the seller is only the second owner.
Not mint but in excellent condition and a price comfortably in my budget it all seems very agreeable. Now I don't feel a fraud going to the Jaguar Drivers Club meetings. I am one now!

Also today, more goes on. But now I can whistle while I work.

Many thanks for all the lovely comments and kind words. I feel I have gone on too long about the goings on just lately, but that is my journal, sorry if it has got a bit monotonous!

The picture is from the seller's website. I will post my own photos in due course.. 

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