Hola Caracola!

Meaning 'hello snail', I suppose a bit like our 'see you later alligator!'
A slow morning and then off to Sant Agnes as Nate requested a photo walk, though after photographing a few chickens he was far more interested in the park. Asha however enjoyed walking and learning more about the aperture setting on her camera. We came across this miniature world inside a gate post...I've always loved snails. As a small kid I had an obsession with drawing them, though they were always upside down for some reason!
The kids enjoyed park time together - they were at their best together really. It's so so lovely when they get on easily and well. 
Tonight Sole came over for a coffee and some pots and pans a friend had given away. So so good to see her. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The imminent arrival of my in-laws, though I won't see them until the morning. They've got a little flat in the Port.
2) Rain - the kids loved it!
3) Time with Sole - it's always time well-spent. She and Mitch recognised each other from inside...lovely for them to meet!

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