Walk with a view

Asha and I caught up with Strictly and then after a nice breakfast of croissants and juice, the 4 of us headed here for a hike. The kids do better walking when there's a task, so today's was to come up with something they could see for every letter of the alphabet. They got creative and Asha speed into Catalan to get an 'x' word, ha! I love this stretch of coast, 'our' tree is down there in the bed, and to the right are the salt flats and a lot of flamingoes. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Family fun out and about, including dipping our feet in the sea on the way down, see extra.
2) Nate requesting some video calls today - 1 to grandmaman and 1 to Bulliblip's Eve. I love how he gets people on the mind and insists on speaking to them.
3) One of the little boys at church falling about in uncontrollable laughter tonight, just so gorgeous! 

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