
By Hamp5on

Delightful Dalt Vila

I finally submitted my application form and personal statement for the chaplaincy course...now to wait and see... 
It was good to see Claire this morning and talk with this as our view - I'll never tire of it!
Team meeting with Esteban which was good.
This morning there was an armed assault on a police van carrying a guy from the prison, so Danny said there was a lot of talk about it in the prison this evening. 
Both kids have colds and are feeling grotty...plenty of paracetamol and honey knocking around our flat.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Getting the application in and starting on a video I need to do for 24-7 Prayer.
2) A good catch up with Stephen.
3) A tasty lunch of chicken cooked in white wine (and enough wine left over for a glass now).

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