
By Beewriter


Yesterday Pat sent me a text to say there was a steampunk event on in Haworth and did I fancy going. Heck, yeah!

I left the corset at home….the diet starts on Monday….sigh. We parked up and looked round for someone, anyone, who was dressed in a crazy fashion. I did have a quick look on fb just to check it wasn’t an old post that Pat had seen. Thankfully it was up to date and then….phew…we spotted other steampunkers.

We had breakfast outside a cafe and watched everyone parading up and down. After we had eaten we joined in. It was such good fun. When you dress as a steampunker you join a community of people who are really friendly and love the crazy, inventive, imaginative world that encapsulates burlesque, Victoriana and science.

It was lovely to do something ‘normal’ again.

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