
By ashep

Catching Dinner

After rolling up our swags we hopped back in the van this morning for the last 500km of the trip to Broome. It was a fairly monotonous day driving but once we arrive in Broome we headed straight for Cable Beach, which is beautiful but the water just sits there taunting you because you can't actually go in it! They have stingers and crocodiles and probably a thousand other deadly things in there, so even when it's 45 degrees out there's no relief! There were lots of fishers there though and this one had just caught a little gummy shark that you can see in the sand in front of him. We went over to see what he caught and he told us that when you get fish & chips in Australia, you pretty much always get shark! I had no clue, but it does taste pretty good1

We had a bit of a celebration tonight because one of the group is heading home tomorrow. Thank god we were here in time for Happy Hour!

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