Spike and Charley

It is impossible to capture the joyous chaos of dogs, water, tennis balls and did I mention dogs? While standing on the beach one must be careful not to get bowled over by dogs chasing each other.

 We have to direct Spike to the ball because he can't rely on his hearing and sense of smell in the melee of balls and dogs and their people. He usually winds up with a little cheering section once people find out that he can't see. John feels sorry for him, but he doesn't feel in the least bit sorry for himself. Our main concern is making sure he doesn't swim out into the middle of the lagoon and get disoriented, so we stand on shore calling to him. We ran into a couple of friends and their dogs and made quite a few more in the hour and a half we were there. 

The lifeguards were out on paddleboards gathering up balls and redistributing them. I don't think they had to rescue any dogs. The most remarkable thing is the fact that although there are dogs of all sizes and shapes, and even a few that don't like the water, they all get along well. Although all tennis balls look pretty much alike, the dogs seem to know which one is 'their' ball. 

John and I needed a nap after we got home, but not Spike. He's still going strong. A friend came by with her granddaughter who took over the throwing duties for awhile. 

Dinner at Dana and Jim's tonight....

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