Ice Cream, Anyone?

His lordship was absolutely certain that today was Wednesday as off he went with a hop, skip and a jump up the snowy steps outside the Dower House for his boys' day floundering in the snowdrifts near Biggar.

A heavy snow shower in the early hours this morning meant that we woke to more snow than we've seen here so far, but with the temperature being 2 degrees and no strong wind, it has disappeared " like snaw aff a dyke" as the expression goes. Every now and then we get a version of April showers in white, but they pass leaving no footprint.

Having been so abstemious of all but my allowed calories for the last two days, I fell from grace this morning when after a bitterly cold walk outing, I bought 4 hot cross buns and had one demolished before you could say Jack Robinson.
Oh but how delicious it was with butter and strawberry jam. There are 3 left........... I'm not sure His Lordship likes hot cross buns!

This kiosk in Princes Street Gardens under the shadow of the looming Bank of Scotland building, sells ice creams and coffee. No bets on what would be appropriate today.

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