Ali - again!

Not really much inspired for blip pics at the moment, so snapped Ali on her little walk this afternoon. It was either pretty Ali, or my car at the car wash! That's gone up considerably - from £10 to £15, actually £17 with the tip! I'd still rather pay that than do it myself.

A bit of a disappointment today. We have been toying with the idea of downsizing, but we want to stay in the area, when I say 'area' I mean within yards of where we live! We love it here and have had our eye on a smaller place down the road, the owner died a few weeks ago (she was 94). It's in need off a lot of work and we had lots of exciting ideas to make it fit our needs. It's been priced at a ridiculously high price, we wouldn't pay that even if we could. We're not unhappy here, and are not interested in anything else. 

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