A day in the life

By Shelling

After the show

Tonights show at Kalmar theatre was called "Play 3.0" and the performing group call themselves Sirqus Alfon. The three guys have changed over the years but the leader is still the same. They started as a street performing group mixing acrobatics, theatre, magic and music. Their shows was inspired by the early computer games, in particular Super Mario, the Italian man with the big mustasch. Their shows are still centered around computer games but they've now reached 3.0 level so they are very much more technically equipped than before. Both the audience and the group was very happy about the show, that lasted for about seventy minutes. Then, the technicians took over the stage. It takes them about two-three hours to build the set and one hour to pack the trunks and load the truck, before driving to the next city where the sequence is repeated.

It's a job like any other, with strict routines, preparations, planning and logistics for quite a lot of people. The hour in the lights, when everyone gets to show their different skills is an adrenalin kick, to make an even better show tomorrow night. 

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