A day in the life

By Shelling


Most of the day has been dedicated to editing of music. Many years ago, when I was living in the north of Sweden, in Härnösand, I got involved in English folk-music and early Baroque music from the sixteen hundreds, through the musician and music-professor David Kettlewell. We played together for many years and I recorded several of our concerts as a documentation. Today his name in the music-research world has had a revival and my recordings are now in demand as part of creating a sounding picture of his research. Listening and restoring  the old cassette tapes for the digital word takes a lot of time and brings back many memories. This digitisation will be a part of my autumn work as it seems and I sort of look forward to it. There's a lot of tapes though and sorting them is vital to be able to handle it.

This evening I had an unexpected invitation for a blip-meet near my home. Heanku, who I follow, and her husband made a short visit to Öland to watch the migrating birds leave the island. The southern tip of Öland is a famous place for birdwatchers this time of year, as it is in the spring when the birds come back. We met in "Kalkstad", an ancient small village, for a cup of coffee and a nice time together. The main is from the entrance of one of the old houses in Kalkstad, a name some research claim has its origin from the word "Karlstadhir", a norse word meaning 'place-of-men'. Many of these, today rather picturesque houses are now used as summer cottages only.

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