Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Hints of autumn

It was a grey start to the day, and despite the forecast for grey weather all day we in fact had a lovely sunny day with blue skies. 

I decided to take my macro lens on my dog walk with me and look for fungi - there are plenty about but it is not easy to photograph them without a tripod and a lot of faffing, which is not possible on a dog walk. Xena was very patient while I knelt down and tried to get some low level images of the fungi, but as it is dark in the woodland undergrowth the ISO's were cranked up and I could not get good enough detail in the images. Will try again!

Everything is still very green, this image fools you into thinking it is looking like autumn but this is the only area where there is a bit of colour starting in the leaves.

Everyday there is more evidence of things 'falling apart'. Many companies now have no contact details on their websites - I frustratingly still cannot email UPS with my query as to my undelivered parcel, and I am not prepared to speak to a non-English speaking staff member in a call centre across the world somewhere. 

I also had to return an item to Zara. On their website you click on the item purchased and can request a return code. This code is then given to the nearest Hermes drop off centre which is all you need, their website says no return address necessary. We have one of those convenient postal delivery lockers near us where you enter the code and the locker door opens, you place the parcel inside and then Hermes collect it that same day. However Hermes keep sending it back to me as there is no return address on the parcel for Zara. I went to put it back in the locker again today but it would not accept the code as it has already been used. There is no way to contact Zara customer services about this, no details available on their website, so now I have to drive to the nearest store to return it, which defeats the objective of online shopping. A year ago this used to be done differently and it worked - nothing seems to be working anymore!

Tonight I am going to cook the fresh porcini I bought at the market yesterday - risotto or pasta? I think a simple pasta dish to enjoy the fine taste of the porcini.

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