Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

One Month

Sometimes it feels like Finley's been here forever; sometimes it feels like we hardly know him at all.

I'm so gutted we missed out on precious socialisation and training time with covid, but, he's doing really well all things considered in such a short time.

Apologies for the state of my floor by the way, we've had a rather busy day. 

We've done some work (also catching up after covid); we've met up with Roxy and her mum for a walk; we've moved a little furniture around in preparation for a safety gate (escape artist proof hopefully!); we lost an hour on a BT fault helpline; we played with the Safestix in the garden; we had lunch and watched last night's Eastenders...

Most impressive of all we met up with a couple and their spaniels on our evening walk. Finley did a tentative hello to the youngest who took this as a signal for play. Finley wasn't at all sure. Tom the spaniel kept up the encouragement and Finley eventually gave in and had a brilliant time! It's very hit-and-miss whether he'll even acknowledge another dog so this was brilliant progress. 

Daddy's out late at the cinema seeing James Bond so I expect he'll get an absolutely bonkers welcome home later when I'm trying to sleep! 

Love him. 

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